Help students find your classes, and fill empty seats

Reach the largest community of students on the web through CourseHorse
and its media partner network, education-focused newsletters, and mobile apps. It's free!

Active Classes
Monthly Student
Student Data
Points Collected
Find new students. Increase Revenue. Gain Insights.
Increase Enrollments
Increase Enrollments & Revenue
We fill empty seats in your classes with new students. We only earn a penny if we find you a new student.
Media Publisher Network
Media Publisher Network
We showcase your classes across a wide network of leading print publications, digital publishers and influential bloggers.
Free Email Marketing
We’re e-marketing pros and drive students to your classes through class and school profiles, personalized recommendations and registration incentives.
Student Insights & Trends
Student Insights & Trends
We give you actionable data that helps you improve your classes, benchmark against other schools and maximize student lifetime value.
Customer Service Support
Customer Service Support
We live and breathe extraordinary customer service. Our customer support team helps students find and enroll in your classes, as well as registration logistics.
Corporate & Private Training
Corporate & Private Training
We’ve developed a large network of high-growth companies to help their employees access on/off-site customized training opportunities.
“CourseHorse has proven to be a smart, measurable, and affordable way for us to reach new audiences for our continuing education programs.”
Sylvia Russakoff
Director, Pace University, for Business and Technology
How it Works
Sync Class Content

CourseHorse’s technology automatically syncs and updates your class and schedule content so you don’t have to lift a finger.

Increase Visibility

We promote your classes to our community of local learners and across our wide media publishing network.

Increase Revenue

CourseHorse is the only performance based marketing solution for class providers. We only earn when we fill empty seats.

Start finding new students today. Getting started is free. Get Started for Free
Be everywhere that matters online.
We’ve partnered with the web’s most popular review sites, search engines, and mobile apps to make sure your business is found by students in your area.
Partner Logos
Getting started is simple and free.
Fill empty seats with new students
Once you complete this form we'll send you to Stripe to verify your information

CourseHorse Gift Cards

  • Creative & unique gift for any occasion
  • Thousands of classes & experiences
  • No expiration date
  • Instant e-delivery (or choose a date)
  • Add a personalized message
  • Lock in a price with the Inflation Buster Gift Card Price Adjuster™
Buy a Gift Card
gift card with the CourseHorse logo gift card with the CourseHorse logo